Do you ever wish you could go back in time and tell your younger self to make better decisions?
So do we.

We want to do exactly this, by getting in front of young people, ages 10-15, and teach them that bad decisions now can burden them for decades.
That getting good grades is actually cool.
That investing at a young age can change their lives forever.
And how learning a second language, or getting better at math, or science, or computer programming, will probably be the best thing they’ll ever do for their future.
And we want to instill in them – the idea that a little bit of hard work now, can earn them scholarships and grants, that will save them from a lifetime of debt.
In this country, there are millions of children raised by hard-working single parents who may not have the time or expertise to adequately prepare their children for the next phase of life.
This doesn’t mean they are not great parents. They can be excellent providers and offer tons of love, but financial education may not be their strong suit.
Our goal is to reach as many young people as possible, to deliver our informative message in an inspiring way.
We want to help prepare children for adulthood by making them aware of what they can do now, that will always help them in life.
We want to show them that saving instead of spending, and setting goals, and taking their education seriously, can pave a path to a happier, easier, and more successful adulthood.
A portion of our profits will be dedicated to this cause.
We understand the importance of this mission, and we firmly believe that by persuading even a small percentage of young people to heed our advice, we can potentially guide thousands down a better, more fulfilling, more prosperous life path.
Here’s a little more About Us.